In other news... MORE technical difficulties leading to longer delays for my new website launch. I promise it will be worth the wait! In the meantime, whilst I'm stitching like a trouper, please do enjoy my NY pics! What a wonderful holiday it was!

Hand Embroidery and Illustration
This is a long awaited collaboration between myself and designer/stylist Sam Barker (she describes herself concisely as ‘A Creative’ which is a very accurate description of the eclectic work she does and interests she has.)
Using the pieces I have embroidered for her, Sam will be styling a photo shoot based around the theme of preservation capturing reality and unique moments as well as the fragility of nature. I was given this brief along with a collection of garments to embroider and embellish.
These images are just my own of the embroidery I used, but I am really really excited to see the images from the actual photo shoot (coming soon). Sam’s current plan is to style my pieces together with other complimentary garments and a very innovative use of make-up and location; it will be really interesting to see my embroideries in a different fashion context. Watch this space...
This painting I did for my great friend as a piece to go in her brand new house. Although embroidery is my main focus, I also love to paint and illustrate. Sketchbooks continue to be a very important part of the way I work, and my embroidery always takes on an illustrative quality!
For further examples of my illustrations, please look at the portfolio section of my website.
I am currently in the very lengthy process of redoing my website, the new version will very much emphasize my love of illustration and how it is incorporated into my range of products.
(Part One)
And it has indeed been a while since my last post... Not because there has been nothing to report, rather the opposite. My next few entries are images and descriptions of the latest commissions and collaborations I have been working on...
These images show an embroidery piece I have been working on of my Grandad. Taken from an image which is a firm family favourite, I have interpreted it in stitch (with much elaboration on the sunflower front!). A present for my Gran on behalf of my Mum.
I love illustrative embroidery, my portfolio is full of examples of it!